Special Dental Conditions

/Special Dental Conditions

There is nothing simple or cut and dried about the practice of Dentistry or medicine ,in general. There is also no such thing as an average patient. Our topics include the do’s and don’ts of dental care when someone is pregnant, senior citizens and their dental needs, dental treatment for different types of disabilities and more.

Even something as basic as checking if the dental specialist who you were referred to has wheelchair access at her office, can be overlooked by overwhelmed caregivers.

As always, dental.net is dedicated to being a trusted resource for you and your family . If the question concerns the practice of dentistry; then look to dental.net for your answers.

Oral Health for Seniors

A popular saying among both dentists and physicians alike is "Your mouth is the gateway to your body". These words are so much more than a time honored cliché. They are [...]

Oral Health for Seniors2017-11-08T22:38:54+00:00

What Dental Procedures to Avoid When Pregnant

There are several dental procedures which should be avoided for expectant mothers. However, the American Dental Association, concludes that annual dental examinations and regular dental cleanings are perfectly [...]

What Dental Procedures to Avoid When Pregnant2017-11-08T22:42:24+00:00

Dental Tips for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is condition that many women experience. This is the time where taking care of one’s health is necessary to ensure the safety of the mother and the [...]

Dental Tips for Pregnant Women2017-11-08T22:43:01+00:00

Dental Advice for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is a difficult time for women, especially when this is their first time. Mood swings can lead to a sense of confusion and depression. Dental problems are [...]

Dental Advice for Pregnant Women2017-11-09T19:46:01+00:00

How to Brush Your Pets Teeth

The dynamics of tooth and gum health for dogs and cats are similar to those of human beings. Pets also get plaque build-up thanks to the modern foods we [...]

How to Brush Your Pets Teeth2017-11-09T19:43:43+00:00